What is a Human Design Chart?

What is a Human Design Chart?

The Human Design Chart is your energetic blueprint at birth. It shows the defined and undefined Energy Centers (chakras) in the body. Each Center is responsible for a particular experience (e.g. Emotional, Splenic, Inspiration, Thinking, Sacral, Pressure).

Activated Centers provide reliable and consistent energy in the human body. Human Design teaches that the only way to correctly make decisions is to listen to your defined centers.

For example, people with a defined Emotional Center must listen to their emotions because they are their own. According to Human Design, they must allow time for the Emotional center to process the experience and then make a decision.

On the other hand, people with undefined Emotional Center must never listen to their emotions when making decisions. Based on Human Design, the undefined Emotional Center takes the emotional energy from the environment and amplifies it, and as such should be ignored for decision-making purposes.

Human Design teaches that Defined Centers must be honored, while Undefined Centers must be used as a learning opportunity.

Planetary positions are calculated twice, once at birth and then 88 Sun degrees prior:

- The Personality calculation (in black) shows what you experience consciously or the things you know about yourself (e.g. I need to be part of a group). It shows what your soul has been working on in your previous lives. - The Design calculation (in red) shows your unconsciousness, what is inherited from your family. These are new energies, which need to be experienced (e.g. people tell me I need to be part of a group).

Both calculations are illustrated in the Human Design chart. I Ching Gates are grouped in 9 centers (chakras). The Solar System planets activate the specific gates. When two Gates connecting two Centers are activated, the Centers are also activated.
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